#JLSQUAD Featured: Terence Doston
We first scouted Terence Doston shortly after he was drafted by the Milwaukee Brewers in 2019. His agent Jamie Appell reached out to us and told us "this kid is special" so we started asking around with some players in the Milwaukee org. Terence was a two sport Division 1 Commit to the University of West Virginia. The list of guys who play Division 1 Baseball is a short one. The guys who do it and play football is less than 1% of NCAA baseball players. So yea, we were interested.
Then we heard these crazy stories about the workouts that Terence did in someone's backyard with a group of friends, all of whom were highly recruited athletes in the State of Florida. This collection of world class athletes had an outdoor weight room under the Florida sun and humidity and were out there every day putting in levels of work that hurt to watch.
We saw everything we needed to see and were honored when Terence joined the JL Squad as a sponsored athlete.
Today Terence continues to climb in the Brewers organization. He's adjusted his workout rigors a bit, instead of burning every calorie in North America he's focusing on quality over quantity. "Competing with the world's best, you can't force anything. If you're working on something be consistent because that program and the consistency is the difference between the Minors and Majors. My main thing is just running my own race." Doston told us.
While the casual might think Outfield Defense is simply a product of speed and athleticism, TD takes a great deal of pride in the work spent mastering his craft in the field. Being West Virginia's top WR recruit of the class lended to his strong outfield skillset. Doston shared: "Playing WR and returning kicks helped me in how I track balls in the OF. Ball spin plays a big role in tracking both Footballs and Baseballs. So that was a big thing, just being able to adjust to the spin of the ball." Then with a grin added "And Mother Nature helps too." in reference to his natural burners.
Even with Mother Nature's blessings, Terence's offseason includes around 40-50% of his skills training on Outfield Drills. Most of his Outfield Drills are focused on creating "glove confidence". In-Season TD gets most of his OF work by "Power Shagging", which is taking OF practice during BP with intent to push his limits and see which balls he can get to. TD loves pushing those range limits, sharing with us that he'd rather steal the game winning home run than throw the winning run out at the plate. "I get excited about taking away hits."
And it's all paying off. In 2022 TD spent signifcant time with AA Biloxi and this year he's amassed 140 ABs in A+ Wisconsin, where he partners with Joe Gray Jr. (#JLSquad) to make outfield hits nearly unattainable.
Let's breakdown TD's glove set up:
Primary Model: DLH42, RHT, 12.75
Outfield Training Model: Custom Infielder's Glove: SO01 RHT 11.5
Design: Custom Outfield Glove (Available in DNA Suite). Primary web choice is a Modified Trapeze, but also likes an H Web.
Break-In Method: Primarily catch and shagging. Occasionally will have team trainers play catch with it while he's using a different gamer. No rigorous break-in. Prefers to take the time and get it right.
Hand Stall set-up: Two fingers in the pinky, Keeps Index finger in-palm slot
Break-in preference: Broken in to close with ease, almost floppy, but firm on the Pinky and Thumb sides so the glove maintains enough stability to stand upright when set down.